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Dyno Tuning
Equipped with a 2WD/4WD Dyno Dynamics Dynamometer along with the ability to tune most Engine Management Systems as well as turbo diesels for gains in power, throttle response and fuel economy.
General Servicing
New & Used Car Log Book Servicing, Mechanical Repairs, Brake & Clutch, Suspension and Electrical Repairs. Visit us to ensure you receiving the best possible care.
Performance Kits
Enhance drive-ability and tap into the hidden horsepower of your ride. Our packages including performance turbo kits are designed specifically for each vehicle, without compromising reliability.
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[separator headline=”h3″ title=”Quick Links”][accordion open=”1″]
[accordion-item title=”Our Services” icon=”music”]We offer a range of services from general servicing, dyno tuning and performance upgrades like forced induction. View our services here.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”Performance Upgrade Kits ” icon=”star”]Upgrade Kits for various makes and models including local, European and import. View page[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”Vehicle Reviews”]Read the media review from some of our vehicles including the LS1 Power-up Kit and the Mazda MX5 road/race turbo. View the MX5 Review and the LS1 Review here [/accordion-item]
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Dyno Dynamics[/responsive][/one_fifth]
VCM Performance[/responsive][/one_fifth]
AVO Turboworld[/responsive][/one_fifth]
MTA Queensland[/responsive][/one_fifth]
Magnuson Superchargers[/responsive][/one_fifth_last]